The Power Community Limited (PCL) team have returned to the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands to deliver the Santos Aboriginal Power Cup and Respectful Relationships programs, thanks to a continuing partnership with Enerven and program major partners Santos and the Government of South Australia.
The partnership between PCL and Enerven was first established in 2023 to provide the critical funding required to enable more than 40 program participants located in APY Lands to travel to Adelaide for the Santos Aboriginal Power Cup carnival for the second consecutive year.
As an extension of that important initiative, the PCL team have travelled to the APY Lands to reconnect with the same students, providing support in keeping them engaged in their education.

PCL’s Community Programs Team Leader, Christine Glenn is responsible for developing this opportunity for remote students and has credited the partnership with Enerven for making it possible.
“The partnership with Enerven has been critical in enabling us to deliver the Santos Aboriginal Power Cup and Respectful Relationships programs to students in remote communities, and I’d like to sincerely thank them for their support,” Ms. Glenn said.
“A major focus for PCL has always been keeping education at the core of our programs, using the power of sport as the hook to engage them in the classroom, in addition to providing tangible further education and career pathways.
“We’ve been in the classrooms of five schools in the lands delivering programs that drive important messages on leadership, healthy lifestyles, and respectful relationships.

“Our program is unique in the sense that we can offer a palpable reward in the annual carnivals, player engagement, travel, AFL game day experiences, and career opportunities for students who meet behavioural and educational KPI’s at school.
“It’s been incredibly rewarding to see so many students engaged in the classrooms, and we look forward to continuing to grow the program in the coming years”.
The Santos Aboriginal Power Cup started in 2008 as a school engagement tool for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, and in recent years has been directly linked with helping achieve the Closing the Gap target.